Wednesday, July 4, 2007

4th of July - a little of Americana here in Germany

The kids and I just got back from the 4th of July celebration here on base. It was freezing cold - 52 Degrees - but it felt alot colder than that with the wind... everyone was all bundled up...

Hope you enjoy the pics.. a little blurry.. but hey - I was shivering..


TemporaryLibrarian said...

52??? It was 90 here! We didn't go to the fireworks this year, which were on the 3rd rather than the 4th, but we could see them through the trees. Remember the time we took the kids to the Pops and they hated the fireworks? Looks as if they are enjoying them now!

Dr. Hausfrau said...

Thanks for the pictures of the fireworks! Looks like you had fun - but wasn't the weather awful?