Saturday, December 13, 2008

What's happening to me.....

made Chili.....

went grocery shopping.....

changed linens ....
 (this is Joe's childhood quilt - I had it 
re-quilted for Christmas last year)

made hot cocoa with whipped cream .... 

started a fire.... 

brought in more firewood.... 

washed three loads of clothes.... 



TemporaryLibrarian said...

Not only did you do all the home comfort stuff - you up-dated your blog!
Gold stars for you!

kms handmade said...

Domesticated! Ooh! What a dirty word! Haha! It's funny that you redid Joe's quilt for Christmas because I'm backing a blanket top for Rob for Christmas. It's, what else, Star Wars! :)

elizabeth said...

Mmmm ... that hot cocoa looks good!